Serious Insights
Thought leadership grounded in real leadership
Serious Insights is a boutique analyst firm dedicated to helping our customers navigate change effectively. Our clients ask us to help them rethink strategy, challenge assumptions about products and services, and discover new ways to learn from customers.
We stay close to technology by evaluating the most innovative, useful, and well-made hardware and software. We also contribute our own perspectives on industry news and emerging ideas.
Our Principal Analyst, Daniel W. Rasmus, a respected analyst with over 30 years of industry experience, leads Serious Insights’ research, reviews, and consulting engagements.
Keynotes ↗
Ask Dan to challenge, enthuse and inspire attendees at your next corporate meeting or global event.
Reviews ↗
Let Dan’s hands-on reviews guide your business and personal technology buying decisions.
Strategy &
Scenarios ↗
Leverage Dan’s deep experience in scenario planning to challenge assumptions and navigate uncertainty.
Client Testimonials
Daniel W. Rasmus
Analysis, Reviews and Commentary have Appeared in…
- AI Expert
- Astronomy
- Business Partner Magazine
- Boing Boing
- Byte
- CIO and CIO.com
- Chief Learning Officer
- Computers In Libraries
- Crosscut
- Distributed Object Computing (columnist)
- FastCompany.com
- Geekwire.com
- Government ELearning!
- HBR.com
- InformationWeek
- Innovate (Fischler School of Education and Human Services, Nova Southeastern University)
- Insurance
- Intelligent Enterprise
- Intelligent Systems
- iPhoneLife (columnist)
- Knowledge Management Review
- MACazine
- MacGuide
- MacTech Quarterly
- MacToday
- MacUser
- MacWeek
- MacWorld
- Manufacturing Systems (editor)
- Mondo 2000
- Object Magazine (columnist)
- P&IM Review (columnist)
- PC AI (columnist & editor)
- PC Magazine
- PCWeek/eWEEK
- Pen Computing
- People Matters
- PopMatters
- Pund-IT
- Sales and Service Excellence
- Startups Magazine
- Strategy+Business
- Talent Management
- The African Business Review
- The Office
- University Business
- UNIX Review
- Wired
- Workstation News
Recent and Upcoming Events
Shaping Tomorrow: Key AI Trends and Innovations to Watch for in 2025
In the first episode of the year, join Ramesh Dontha and Daniel W. Rasmus as they deep dive into trends, predictions and insights into what 2025 will bring to the AI landscape — from new technologies to new opportunities for innovation.
Computers in Libraries 2025
Our futurist in residence and Computers In Libraries magazine contributor, Rasmus explores how to reconcile short-term needs with long-term considerations. He shares insights on strategic planning from his public sector and commercial experiences. Learn how to foster strategic dialog that continuously validates and renews an organization’s strategic position, eliminating the need for meaningless Strategic Plan expiration dates. Hear about scenario planning, a technique that informs the planning horizon by embracing uncertainty and challenging underlying assumptions about the future that can reduce risk, unleash innovation, and help avoid surprises. Rasmus also discusses the practical role AI can play in strategy development and the central role it will play in every library’s strategy as it potentially disrupts how we connect with our communities, curate and retrieve content, learn, and how best to interact with each other.

KMWorld 2024 – Enterprise AI World
Futurist in Residence. Serious Insights is a media sponsor.
The KM need to make AI effective.
Worktech Seattle
Scenarios for the future of work and the role AI could play in each future.
Challenging Insights and Practical Advice
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